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Etru in the world

The museum's mission is to promote the collections and culture of the Etruscans. The value of its items is recognized in Italy and worldwide. Other museums and institutions require them on loan for thematic exhibitions.

Here we point out our works currently on loan, in Italy and around the world

12 December 2018 - 2 May 2019

Pompei e gli Etruschi { info }

Pompei Archaeological Park

On loan

Objects in gold and silver from the famous Barberini Tomb of Palestrina

9 novembre 2018 - 31 marzo 2019


Zurigo, Museo di Archeologia dell'Università di Zurigo

On loan



16 December 2018 – 17 March 2019

Annibale. Un mito mediterraneo { info }

Piacenza, Musei Civici di Palazzo Farnese

On loan

The Plate with elephant in war trim from Tomb 233

7 December 2018 - 18 February 2019

Un rêve d'Italie. La collection du Marquis Campana { info }

Musée du Louvre, Paris

On loan

Necklace with Acheloo's head pendant

5 ottobre 2018 - 10 febbraio 2019

Medeas Liebe und die Jagd nach dem goldenen Vlies { info }

5 October 2018 - 10 February 2019

On loan

Etruscan bronze mirror

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