Tuesday - Sunday 08.30am - 07.30pm (Rooms closed at 07.00pm)
(last entry 6.30 PM)
Closed: LUN, 25/12 e 1/01
Villa Poniatowski Branch
Villa Poniatowski is open from May to October on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 3 to 7 p.m., last admission 6:30 p.m.
Closed on the first Sunday of the month
The ticket have to be made at Villa Giulia and is valid for both sites
More informations

Villa Giulia
Piazzale di Villa Giulia, 9
00196 Roma, Italia
Tram numbers 2 and 19
Metro A Flaminio
How to reach us

Full price 12 €
Reduced price 2 €
To avoid gatherings at the entrance and waiting times, for groups over 10 units it is mandatory to report the day and time of visit to the following email address mn-etru.prenotazioni@cultura.gov.it
Reduced-rate and free admissions