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Support us

Culture is a mission we can all embrace

With your support, the Museum can develop new projects and offer bespoke visitor experiences. This page explains how you can help make ETRU even better, while contributing to the protection and promotion of unique masterpieces from the Etruscan culture.

Become a Museum Member!


  • 3 months Full Price 12 € Reduced Price* 6 €
  • 6 months Full Price 16 € Reduced Price* 8 €
  • 12 months Full Price 24 € Reduced Price* 12 €

*Price reductions are available exclusively for citizens of EU and EEA countries aged 18-25 and other entitled parties

Advantages for the members of our community:

Unlimited access to the Museum and scheduled events and activities
Take part in events reserved for Members (invites to inaugurations, guided tours with the director, personalised in-depth tours, dedicated events, etc.).
10% discount on objects and 5% discount on books from the Bookshop
Special prices for activities subject to payment (guided tours, workshops, etc.).

How to become a member:
Download the form, fill it in and bring it with you to the ticket desk

Art Bonus

The Art Bonus enables you to make income tax deductions of up to 65% on all sums donated and you will receive a special mention on our website and dedicated platform.
Find out how it works:

Find out which ETRU projects have been funded by the Art Bonus:
Sarcophagus of the Spouses
Bronze bust with the portrait of Felice Barnabei 
Attican Kylix with black figures with Tyrrhenian pirate playing flute
Assyrian lion-headed rython from Veio
The Lions Fountain
The Pyrgi Phiale



A signature for culture: if you pay tax in Italy, you can donate your "5X1000" to the cultural heritage, and enable ETRU, the National Etruscan Museum, to start new projects.
Enter the following in your tax returns:

Tax Code 97875240588

Crowdfunding campaigns

ETRU promotes the involvement of citizens with fundraising campaigns for special projects, in order to give the community an active role in its future projects and ventures.

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