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Archeological Park of Veio

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All information on the Archaeological Park of Veio, which recently passed under the protection of the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia

The Archaeological Park of Veio, located on the northern borders of the metropolitan city of Rome, within the protected natural area of ​​the Regional Park of Veio, declares from its location the close bond that historically characterized the relationships between the great Etruscan city and Rome .

Among the archaeological evidence that refers to the settlement of ancient Veii, the Etruscan Sanctuary of Apollo (or sanctuary of Portonaccio, from the name of the locality), located near the Mola di Isola Farnese, represents the traditional point for visitors and excursionists access to the routes that cross the southern part of the regional park and is still immersed in a highly evocative landscape context, characterized by the natural elements that characterized the place even in ancient times.

Among the most monumental and venerated in Etruria, the sanctuary stood immediately outside the city and experienced a long phase of attendance, from the mid-7th century BC. until the full Roman age (2nd century BC).

Investigated starting from 1916, when the famous terracotta statues of Apollo, Hermes and Heracles that decorated the roof of the archaic temple (end of the 6th century BC) were discovered, the sanctuary is divided into two main nuclei: to the east there is the area with the altar dedicated to Menerva, while to the west stands the three-celled temple with a very rich architectural decoration, today evoked by the reconstruction carried out in the early nineties based on the architect's design. Ceschi.

The archaeological guide of the Veio Park, updated and revised by the Veio Park Regional Authority, can be consulted online at this link.

Following the reorganization decree n. 53/2024 of the MIC AMENDMENTS TO THE MINISTERIAL DECREE OF 23 DECEMBER 2014, CONCERNING "ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION OF STATE MUSEUMS" (IT) the Archaeological Park of Veio has passed under the protection of the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia.

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