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May 12, 2021

NEWS for tourist guides

Easier booking method for tourist guides accompanying groups on Saturday, On Sundays and holidays.

On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, only for tour guides accompanying groups (no more than 15 units), it is possible to book via the call center number 06 32810, from Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 18.00 .

The reservation does not correspond to the purchase of the ticket.
The purchase of the ticket will be completed directly at the museum ticket office on the day and at the time indicated at the time of booking, based on the actual number of participants and charging the booking cost of 1 euro per person.

When booking, the guides are invited to inform the operator of the call center that the procedure is authorized by the organizer Opera Laboratori Fiorentini and that the purchase will be regularized at the ticket office.
Reservations are required and must be made by Friday at 6.00 pm for Saturdays and Sundays, indicating the number of people and the expected entry time.

Remember that:
- The maximum number of people per group is 15 units including the guide.
- for guided tours carried out from Tuesday to Friday, the notification of the group to the e-mail address remains active and valid


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