Loan procedure
Loan requests, made out to the Museum’s Director, must be sent to at least 120 days before the start date of the event, attaching in a PDF format in separate files:
1) The scientific project of the exhibition and the names of the curators
2) The list of exhibits required on loan
3) The exhibition project
4) The technical documentation of the exhibition place, security systems and display conditions (Standard facility report)
5) For international exhibitions only: Guarantee of re-importation after the exhibition
Please read the following general loan conditions:
Condizioni generali di prestito
Conditions générales pour le prêt
Loan conditions
Loans are subject to compliance with the regulations, approval of the scientific and exhibition project by the Museum’s Scientific Committee, compliance with regulations relating to insurance, movement, transport and fit-out. Depending on the number of exhibits required, their importance and the duration of the loan, the payment of a fee may be applicable.
Maria Paola Guidobaldi
+39 06 3226571 (int- 267-269)
Giulia Bison
+39 06 3226571 (interno 267-269)