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The cicle of life

dal 13 giugno al 6 ottobre 2019 - ore 9-20

The cycle of life, from Birth to Death
The physiological intersection of different moments of life from a social point of view.

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The cycle of life, from Birth to Death

The physiological intersection of different moments of life from a social point of view.
The transitions from one phase to another and the diversity of approach depending on the historical context in which one lives.
The theme of the defeat of illness, old age and death.
These are the new topics addressed in the new exhibition project at the Etruscan National Museum of Villa Giulia, at the “San Camillo Forlanini” Foundation of Rome, the Museum of  History of Medicine and at the Museum Pole of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Thanks to this, these four Institutions came to a collaboration agreement between each other.
The archeological evidence informs us that the physiological passages were perceived by the people of ancient Italy as so important to be placed under the protection of the Gods and sanctioned by choral rituals and ceremonies. Here is where we find inside the exhibition space, forms of the popular religion of the Etruscans and of the close populations, for which the fecundity of soils, and also human fertility are the basis of the survival of the various species. The narration of the story is entrusted to the gifts offered to the Gods who presided over marriage and fertility, both male and female.
A weaving between the Etruscan-Italic and actual world, the two extreme poles of the paths of life, birth and death, merge in the everlasting theme of illness and old age.

The exhibit is open to visitors from June 13th until October 6th 2019.
The entrance is included with the Museum tickets.

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